Overview of Professional Duties

As outlined in my Annual Professional Activity Reports (APARs) and Performance Review (PRC), the duties of my role are broadly conceived of in three essential categories related to pedagogical guidance in the use of learning technologies:

  • Technical support for learning technologies at TRU, including Moodle, Kaltura, WordPress, H5P, Pressbooks, Sli.do, and any other supported learning technologies. This usually relates to classroom practices, but increasingly also includes faculty seeking strategies for research mobilization.
  • Programming to support research-informed, ethical use of learning technologies.
  • Consultation and engagement with different campus stakeholders about the role of educational technologies in learning and teaching.

Please see the following sections:

  • Individual Professional Role Activities: I list the criteria from 2.4.2(a) in the Learning Design and Innovation Department Promotion and Tenure Standards document and list the aligned activities that I see as achieving these criteria. This primarily reflects my day-to-day work and I itemize them to demonstrate that I meet the standard of the professional role.
  • Leadership in the Professional Role: I list the criteria from 2.4.2(b) in the Learning Design and Innovation Department Promotion and Tenure Standards document and list the aligned activities that I see as achieving these criteria. List (b) refers to demonstrated leadership in the professional role.
  • Scholarship in the Professional Role: I list the criteria from 2.4.2(c) in the Learning Design and Innovation Department Promotion and Tenure Standards document and list the aligned activities that I see as achieving these criteria. List (b) itemizes my scholarship.