Here I list the criteria from 2.4.2(c) in the Learning Design and Innovation Department Promotion and Tenure Standards document and list the aligned activities that I see as achieving these criteria. List (c) itemizes my scholarship.
In applying for tenure, I must show that I have achieved “satisfactory performance,” which for list (b) and list (c) demands that my work be “recognized and assessed at a local / regional level.” To that end, “a bipartite candidate for tenure will normally provide evidence of four to six significant activities applicable to Lists 2.4.2(b) and/or 2.4.2(c) on leadership and/or scholarship in the professional role area.” Therefore, I have highlighted in pink those items that I would like to have considered in my application for tenure.
In applying for promotion to Instructional Support II, I must show that I have achieved “superior performance,” which for list (b) and (c) demand that my work be “recognized and assessed at a national level.” To that end, “a candidate for Instructional Support II will have an on-going record over the career to date that normally provides evidence of six to eight significant activities in the areas of leadership and/or scholarship in the professional role area.” Therefore, I have highlighted in blue those items that I would like to have considered in my application for promotion to Instructional Support II.
The only exception to this highlighting key is in areas where I would like the aligned activity to the criteria to be considered for both tenure and promotion, ie. where a list of conference presentations and talks includes both regional and national/international audiences. In these cases, I have highlighted the activity in yellow and used the following key: regional items are marked with a * and should be considered in the evaluation of this application for tenure; national (and international) presentations are marked with a ^ and should be considered in the evaluation of this application for promotion.
For the most part, in the sections below I have tried not to duplicate activities already listed in 2.4.2(a); while duplicating materials across these sections is not disallowed by the Standards Document, I have had a wildly productive three years, and I seek here to capture the range and breadth of my contributions. I acknowledge and celebrate that many of the activities in 2.4.2(a) also involve leadership and scholarship, but the distinction I draw is that I see the majority the below sections as over and above the day-to-day support work of the learning technologist in attending to the technology needs of campus.
The development and dissemination of open pedagogies, platforms, and materials.
The Open Tenure Project
I have an unwavering commitment to open education and the creation of open, persistent resources; I also believe deeply in the possibility of open to create equity. For this reason, I have undertaken a parallel project with this tenure and promotion application, which is to make all of my materials openly available. Much of the content in this portfolio is already open, of course, but I am interested in sharing the narrative and conceptual component openly.
I began theorizing this work in 2020 with a literature review – I was seeking examples of open portfolios that were open in process, and I found almost nothing. I also found no existing scholarship on the idea of open tenure, though I found a lot about the failures and inequities in-built into the process of seeking tenure. In 2021, I presented these thoughts to O/TESSA [D.4.24]. I am at work on an article version of this thinking for the O/TESSA journal. As far as I know from my research so far, this work is a new avenue for open pedagogy and scholarship.
In addition to a research project in the form of archiving past stories, however, I feel a responsibility to make a subject of myself: to explore autoethnographically the experience of opening up the process of tenure. I have made an open version of this portfolio – though because open is necessarily consensual, I have password-protected some pages that involve other people’s words where I could not secure their permission, and I have not uploaded anything with private data attached (like the ticket reports that include employee/student numbers and names). My components of the site are licensed CC-BY-NC.
I have also made a template of a tenure and promotion portfolio, in order to encourage other faculty to play in this space. This portfolio template can be cloned by any member of the TRU community for use as their own tenure and promotion portfolio by going to and choosing “Sample Tenure Portfolio” as the site template. For those who are not members of the TRU community, the template is also openly available for download as a Worpress XML archive, recommended for use with WordPress theme Twenty-Fifteen.
I look forward to continuing to build out this project over the course of my career.
The application of scholarship related to the professional role.
The TRU Digital Detox
The TRU Digital Detox project is an annual project led by me. In this year’s iteration, the work was supported by Nicole Singular and Stephanie Gountas (graphics and web), Jon Fulton (video), and Jamie Drozda and Mary Hanlon (guest contributions); in the past, Thomas Sandhoff has contributed web and graphics work. The TRU Digital Detox is an ongoing persistent resource in addition to being an annual event, and this year was its third iteration. The archive and all materials are available at the TRU Digital Detox website.
The TRU Digital Detox is designed as a homegrown version of the Middlebury Digital Detox project and is intended to help our community think more critically about how they make use of educational technologies. Each year, we select a theme to organize the posts around: this year, the theme was “Overcoming Apathy” as a way to respond to the sector-wide concern about burnout, especially as it touches on the acquisitions and use of educational technologies. In 2021, we explored the so-called “Post-Pandemic” university, and in 2020 we looked at how to make institutional and structural relationships to technology less toxic.
The Digital Detox is organized as a series of essays connected to the annual theme, and usually following an arc that runs from describing a problem to articulating a solution or a strategy. I write all of the main essays for the site. They are designed to be both conversational and readable (usually 8-12 minutes to read per essay) but also deeply researched, with lots of resources to return to later. In this way, I conceive of the Detox as an expanding resource on ethics and educational technologies, articulated from a TRU perspective. In addition to the essays, I facilitate a series of live chats to coincide with the Detox. Since 2021, we have opened these discussions up to the larger audience, welcoming attendees from beyond TRU. Participants can contribute with comments, parallel blog posts, or guest contributions, and I also moderate chatter about the Digital Detox on Twitter. In 2021, the teaching and learning community at University at Michigan-Dearborn participated alongside us.
In October or November, I begin consultations with the OL Media Team to establish the central theme and the visual lookfeel of the annual iteration. Through the month of November, I sketch an outline for the arc of the essay series, making a plan for the thesis and objectives of each essay, and start to collect the resources that will form the research underpinnings. This year, we launched in February, so I spent most of January outlining the essays, drafting them in February as close as possible to the release date (because educational technologies is a fast-moving field, and I want the essays to be current and reflect stories in the news at the time of release).
The TRU Digital Detox articulates the core values of the LT&I Team and has, over the last three years, also helped to shape them. We centre ethical practice, care, and accessibility in our work, and the Digital Detox helps to theorize, source, and explain that perspective to our community.
In 2022, the Digital Detox averaged about 400 readers per post, with the most popular post being accessed 859 times. 111 unique users subscribed to the email notifications, which is a slight under-report given the technical issue with existing TRUbox users attempting to subscribe listed below. 26 people attended the live discussions. Over the three years of the Detox, we have found participation seems to be about 50/50 with people from the TRU community versus people from outside.
I really believe in the TRU Digital Detox project and have been proud of the discussions it has inspired. Impact is hard to measure, but I see changes in how engaged faculty who have participated in the Detox are with these issues in the real world; for example, the response to the imposition of VitalSource from faculty echoed many of the conversations about data privacy and ethics that the Digital Detox has initiated.
Year over year, I am working to improve workload management. The Detox is a lot of writing, which I thoroughly enjoy, but that writing absorbs a lot of capacity and I am learning to plan accordingly. This year, for example, I did not offer any other programming while the Detox was in process, so that I could focus on writing and on facilitating the lived discussions. Also, new this year, Stephanie and Nicole designed a Guest Post function for the site, which meant we were able to invite two guest contributors. In future iterations, I intend to do more of this.
The single biggest workflow issue in managing the TRU Digital Detox is that in year one and two, the sign-up list was managed manually. This meant that each time a new post went out, the list had to be downloaded, updated, and checked for accuracy, which was very time consuming. In 2022, Stephanie tested and implemented the Subscribe2 plugin to automate the subscription process. Despite a thorough testing process, we realized after launch that the plugin was not compatible with multisite users, so people with existing TRUbox accounts were not properly registered. I am in the process of exploring different plugins to try to resolve this issue for next year.
The TRU Digital Detox is a resource I call upon regularly in developing other programming, like our Build Back Better series. This year, I published a revised essay from the first TRU Digital Detox in 2020 as “Ethics, EdTech, and the Rise of Contract Cheating” in the book Academic Integrity in Canada: An Enduring and Essential Challenge. I also presented the Digital Detox at STHLE in 2021.
The dissemination of investigations, reflections or other research on the professional role area in peer-reviewed, and particularly open access, outlets including journal articles, books, book chapters, conference proceedings, chapters, etc.
Publications in Faculty Development Since Arriving at TRU
- “2020: The End is the Beginning, and Yet You Go On.” English Studies in Canada 44.4 (2018*): 51-54. [*Note that this journal is behind in publication; this issue was published in 2021.]
- “EdTech, Ethics, and the Rise of Contract Cheating.” Academic Integrity in Canada. Sarah Eaton and Julia Christiansen Hughes, eds. Springer, 2022.
- “The University Cannot Love You: Gendered Labour, Burnout, and the Covid-19 Pivot to Digital.” Feminist Digital Pedagogy. Suzan Koseoglu and George Veletsianos, eds. EdTechBooks, 2022.
- With Anne-Marie Scott. “Who Cares About Procurement.” Higher Education for Good: Teaching and Learning Futures by Laura Czerniewicz and Catherine Cronin, eds. Open Book Publishers, forthcoming 2023.
Publications in Faculty Development Prior to Arriving at TRU
- “Teach First, Research Questions Later: Understanding the Role of the College Teacher-Scholar.” English Studies in Canada 43.1 (2017): 13-16.
The dissemination of case studies, professional articles, professional exams, etc. in journals, textbooks, magazines, professional bodies’ websites, etc.
Disciplinary Research Published Since Arriving at TRU
I include these pieces here under the criteria “case studies, professional articles, professional exams, etc. in journals” because I believe that maintaining a presence in my scholarly discipline makes my faculty development work more authentic, as it allows me to maintain contact with disciplinary scholars, who are the majority of people I support. This helps when I am asked to help think through, for example, knowledge mobilization strategies for research projects and agendas outside the scope of educational development.
- “Public-Facing Feminisms: Subverting the LetterCol in Bitch Planet.” The Routledge Companion to Gender and Sexuality in Comic Book Studies by Frederick Luis Aldama, ed. Routledge, 2020.
- “We the North: Interrogating Indigenous Appropriation as Canadian Identity in Mainstream Amercian Comics.” Graphic Indigeneity: Comics in the Americas and Australasia by Frederick Luis Aldama, ed. UP Mississippi, 2020 [D.4.25].
- With Joe Lipsett. “The White Christmas Problem: Analyzing Representations of Race in Hallmark Holiday Films.” The Hallmark Channel: Essays on Faith, Race, and Feminism by Emily L. Newman and Emily Witsell, eds. McFarland, 2020.
- With Peter Wilkins. “How Do You Build a Problem Like Riverdale: Constructing the Imagined Community of the Archie Universe.” The CW Comes of Age by Ashley Carlson and Ashley Perdergio, eds. McFarland, 2021.
A list of publications from before my arrival at TRU is available in my complete CV [see section B.1].
Disseminating new/innovative teaching and learning techniques, resources,
technologies, materials, aids, etc.
Unit Priority for Persistent Resources
Since arriving at TRU, I have worked hard to produce persistent resources for my workshops and public talks, and also to create a team norm around their creation. Before Covid-19, I worked to establish a strong workflow for creating resources by design with the designed intention that people could miss our workshops but still learn the technology; that workflow has been difficult to sustain as our workloads have increased, but we have still created some excellent resources for a range of applications. These resources can be as simple as a recorded video of the session or as complex as an open course and everything in between. These resources are designed to be openly shared beyond the walls of TRU and are openly licensed so that they can be reused further. Some examples of persistent resources to emerge out of my own workshops include:
- The Podcaster’s Toolkit, in collaboration with Jon Fulton, a series of resources to help new podcasters set themselves up for success.
- The Podcasting Masterclass, a resource that remains open after students have completed it so that it can be referenced by others.
- Beyond Moodle, both in WordPress and Pressbooks, in collaboration with Jamie Drozda. This resource is designed as a model for those who wish to build more open course, and is also a template that can be used by anyone at TRU.
- This meme workshop site, built in collaboration with Brian Lamb, has actually been added to after the fact by people who were not even in the workshop!
- The H5P Workshop Pressbook is a tool Jamie Drozda and I use in our H5P workshops that we allow participants continued access to after the fact, so it remains a sandbox for their development and a resource for help making objects. The overarching theme in the development of these resources is two-fold: anyone can use the materials, whether they attend the workshop or work at TRU or not; and learning doesn’t stop at the end of the workshop, so people need a place to return to to keep working out their new skillset.
Invited or peer-reviewed presentations of investigations, reflections or other research on the professional role area at conferences, workshops, seminar series, etc.
Conference Presentations in Faculty Development Since Arriving at TRU
Regional presentations are marked with an * and should be considered in the evaluation of this application for tenure. National and international presentations are marked with an ^ and should be considered in the evaluation of this application for promotion.
- ^OpenEd20, “It’s Alive! Reviving OER with Interactive Content to Create a Living Online Course,” 10 November 2020. Panel discussion.
- *Fall ETUG [Educational Technology Users Group], “Distanced, Not Isolated,” 6 November 2020. Solo presentation.
- ^PressEd21, “Building Community When We’re Apart: The You Got This! Experiment,” 25 March 2021. Twitter conference thread.
- ^OERxDomains21, “Establishing a Community of Care: Lessons Learned from Our Pivot to Digital” with Brian Lamb, 21 April 2021. Shared presentation.
- ^OERxDomains21, “Let it Break or Be Broken: Care, Moral Stress, and the University,” 22 April 2021. Solo presentation.
- *Cascadia21, “Practice Makes Perfect! Supporting the Development of H5P Practice Activities in Pressbooks,” 27 April 2021. Panel discussion.
- *Cascadia21, “H5P Hackathon for WHMIS 2015,” 27 April 2021. Panel discussion.
- *Spring ETUG, “Post-Pandemic Pedagogies: Reclaiming the Lost Year,” 27 May 2021. Solo presentation.
- ^ACCUTE [Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English, meeting at Congress], “Being Shamed, Feeling Shame: Critique, Call-in Culture, and the Affect(s) of Shame,” 29 May 2021. Paper within a panel.
- ^ACCUTE, “F*ck it, we’ll do it live: Blogging Failure (and Success) as Knowledge Mobilization Praxis, 29 May 2021. Paper within a panel.
- ^ACCUTE, “EdTech and the English Classroom,” 30 May 2021. Panel organizer and moderator.
- ^O/TESSA [Open/Technology, Education, Society, and Scholarship Association, meeting at Congress], “Resisting Surveillance Technology,” 1 June 2021. Panel discussion.
- ^O/TESSA, “Without a Net: Pursuing Tenure in the Open,” 3 June 2021. Solo presentation.
- ^CSSHE [Canadian Society for Studies in Higher Education, meeting at Congress], “EdTech, Ethics, and the Rise of Contract Cheating,” 30 May 2021. Solo presentation.
- ^CSSHE, “How Can We Help?: The Educational Technologist as Accessibility Activist,” 1 June 2021. Solo Presentation.
- ^STLHE [Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education], “The Digital Detox: One Strategy for Establishing a More Ethical Relationship to Educational Technologies on Campus,” 6 June 2021. Solo Presentation.
- ^STLHE, “Transformative Curriculum Design Through OER Creation,” 6 June 2021. Group presentation.
- ^Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity, “EdTech, Ethics, and the Rise of Contract Cheating,” 22 June 2021. Solo presentation.
- ^OEGlobal, “Developing Writers: Using H5P to Support Composition Practice,” 27 September 2021. Solo presentation.
- ^OpenEd, “Saying No to Surveillance: A Gentler Approach,” 21 October 2021. Solo presentation.
- ^ETUG, “H5P in Pressbooks Workshop” with Jamie Drozda, 26 May 2022. Shared Presentation.
Conference Presentations in Faculty Development Prior to Arriving at TRU
Regional presentations are marked with an * and should be considered in the evaluation of this application for tenure. National and presentations are marked with an ^ and should be considered in the evaluation of this application for promotion.
- ^ACCUTE, “Learning (and making mistakes) in Public: The Pedagogy of Using Wikipedia in the Classroom,” 28 May 2011. Solo Presentation.
- ^ACCUTE, “Off the Sides of Our Desks: Research in a Community College Context,” 30 May 2015. Solo presentation.
- *ETUG, “Open Scholarly Community” and “Hacking the College” with David N. Wright, 6 November 2015. Shared presentation.
- ^ACCUTE, “Footnotes, Endnotes, and HTML5: Blogging and the Future of Literary Criticism,” 30 May 2016. Solo presentation.
- ^ACCUTE, “Teach First, Research Questions Later: Understanding the Role of the College Teacher-Scholar,” 31 May 2016. Solo presentation.
- *BCcampus Festival of Learning, “Plastic Pedagogies: Design Thinking and Prototyping as Classroom Practice” with David N. Wright, 7 June 2016. Shared presentation.
- ^ACCUTE, “From Twitter SJW to English Professor: Idle No More, Black Lives Matter, and the Literature Classroom,” 30 May 2017. Solo presentation.
- ^ACCUTE, “The Labour of Teaching CanLit,” 26 May 2018. Solo presentation.
- ^ACCUTE, “The Public Intellectual in the Age of Social Media,” 26 May 2018. Panel presentation.
- ^ACCUTE, “Content and Trigger Warnings,” 26 May 2018. Panel presentation.
The dissemination of investigations, reflections or other research in the professional role area in non-peer-reviewed outlets including magazines, websites, social media, podcasts, blogs, etc.
Media Interviews and Outreach Since Arriving at TRU
- BCcampus. “The Need for a Culture of Compassion and Care.” 21 September 2020.
- Chin, Monica. “An ed-tech specialist spoke out about remote testing software – and now he’s being sued.” The Verge. 22 October 2020.
- Sonnemaker, Tyler. “Tech companies promised schools an easy way to detect cheaters during the pandemic. Students responded by demanding schools stop policing them like criminals in the first place.” Business Insider. 1 November 2020.
- Smalley, Suzanne. “Balancing Student Privacy and Open Access.” Inside Higher Ed. 15 February 2022.
- Copeland, Stacey. “Brenna Clarke Gray Says… You Got This!” Amplify Blog. 22 February 2022.
Media Interviews and Outreach Prior to Arriving at TRU
- Steffenhagen, Janet. “Accuracy Improves When Students Write for Wikipedia: Study.” Vancouver Sun. Digital edition. 30 May 2011.
- Ross, Jamie. “When to Use Wikipedia in the Classroom?” Daily Gleaner (Fredericton, New Brunswick). A4. 30 May 2011.
- Fleming, Andrew. “New Westminster Teacher Tackles Wikipedia’s Image Problem.” New Westminster Record and Vancouver Province. Digital editions. 30 May 2011.
- Dehaas, Josh. “English Prof Says Wikipedia is a Good Teaching Tool.” On Campus Blog. 30 May 2011.
- Boesveld, Sarah. “Can Wikipedia Improve Students’ Work?” National Post. A2. 31 May 2011.
- The Rob Breakenridge Show. CQHR, AM 770. Calgary. May 31, 2011.
- Afternoon News with Tom Young. Syndicated in Atlantic Canada. 31 May 2011.
- The Mike Smyth Show. CKNW, AM 980. Vancouver. 3 June 2011.
- Thompson, Clive. Smarter than You Think. Penguin, 2013. (Also excerpted in the October 2013 edition of Wired Magazine.)
- Daly, Jimmy. “Wikipedia: When College Students Have an Audience, Does Their Writing Improve?” EdTech Magazine. 23 October 2013.
- Miller, Kerry. “Canada’s Literacy Rates Are Troubling – and America’s Are Worse.” Minnesota Public Radio. 10 November 2016.
- Priego, Ernesto. “Online Spaces and the Alt-Academic: An Interview with Brenna Clarke Gray and Peter Wilkins.” The Winnower. 5 November 2016.
- Samson, Natalie. “Personal Newsletters Can Be a Boon to Academic-Life Writing: A Q&A with Professor Brenna Clarke Gray.” University Affairs. 6 July 2016.
Internal and external grants directed at the scholarship of the professional role area.
SSHRC-PDG: Co-Investigator
While this item appears in the Capacity Building section of 2.4.2(a), I include it here also because it represents a significant achievement to have brought a SSHRC Partnership Development Grant to TRU in my first year. I am co-applicant and co-investigator on the Amplify Podcast Network. This is an intra-institutional partnership with Simon Fraser University, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Dalhousie University, the University of British Columbia, and, with me, Thompson Rivers University. As co-applicant, I am responsible for producing one of the three pilot peer-reviewed podcasts for the network. The total value of the grant is $175,315.
From the application:
The Amplify Podcast Network has six key goals, responding primarily to SSHRC’s Connection program but also to the Insight Program objectives:
- To build a network of scholars, editors, librarians, students, and arts organizers who are interested in the power and potential of podcasting as a form of scholarly communication;
- To acquire, edit, and publish three new scholarly podcasts, in addition to one extant, by leading and emerging voices in key research fields that are highly engaged in, and thus well suited to, public scholarship (post-secondary pedagogy, Indigenous studies, and information studies);
- To develop metadata standards, tools, and workflows to incorporate podcasts into existing systems of scholarly discoverability and ensure their long-term preservation;
- To build awareness of scholarly podcasting amongst existing listeners and connections with the podcasting community through participation in non-scholarly podcasting festivals;
- To build the capacity for scholarly podcasting by developing workshops and Open Educational Resources on podcasting for scholarly communication in consultation with other public scholarship projects engaged in podcasting for knowledge mobilization;
- To contribute to research on the impact of publicly engaged, digital, and open-access scholarship through presenting at conferences and publishing journal articles on the findings of our research in venues such as Scholarly and Research Communication and Kairos.
My most significant contributions are to goal #2, for which I am producing a podcast called Community of Praxis, but I am part of the discussions relating to many of these goals.
In her letter in support of this application [D.8.5], PI Hannah McGregor writes,
The accessibility of Hazel & Katniss & Harry & Starr [my first podcast, a work of popular scholarship] is characteristic of the way Brenna centres pedagogy in everything she does—and was at the heart of my decision to include her in the first season of podcasters for the Amplify Podcast Network, alongside Daniel Heath Justice, Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Literature and Expressive Culture. The podcast Brenna is developing for Amplify, Community of Praxis, features interviews with digital pedagogy experts like Maha Bali, Sherri Spellic, and Audrey Watters, bringing together rich theoretical engagements with pedagogical theory and attention to the practicalities of teaching as an activity grounded in the material conditions of the classroom. It promises to be an enduring resource for teachers and learners alike.
My podcast goes out for peer review in September, and I am eager to engage deeply in the process of what comes next.
H5P OER Development Grant
While this item appears in the Capacity Building section of 2.4.2(a), I include it here also because it represents a significant achievement, having been my first grant as Project Lead. I closed out this project on 28 June 2021. We did hire two undergraduate research assistants and paid them with the total grant of nearly $10,000; student salaries were the only budget line. The completed book contains 168 H5P objects, and creatively pushes the limits of H5P to create interactive writing objects. I have had the pleasure of presenting this work with BCcampus and in other venues, and it never fails that someone asks to use the ojects as a model for their own work in composition (which they are always welcome to do!). In addition to this creative and innovative application of H5P, taking on this grant also pushed the bounds of my capacity regarding project management, and I learned a lot about how to manage a project of this scope and scale. I look forward to pursuing more such projects in the future.
Editorship of a journal or book related to the scholarship of the professional role area.
The Comics Grid – Editorial Board and Special Issue
Since 2012, I have served on the editorial board and as a section editor of the peer reviewed, scholarly journal The Comics Grid, which is published by the Open Library of the Humanities and is helmed by Ernesto Priego. While this is not a journal in the professional role area, it is an open access journal, and working closely with The Comics Grid has taught me a great deal about open research and open publishing.
In 2016, I published a call for a special collection of papers for the journal called Find David Bowie: Alternative Approaches to Bowie and Comics, which in the wake of the artist’s death sought to “encourage more diverse, open access scholarly responses to the influence of Bowie on comics, and to start developing a collection of peer-reviewed research outputs that would build upon and complicate our notion of Bowie scholarship by directly engaging with the comic and the graphic in Bowie’s work, and with Bowie’s diverse and complex presence and influence in comics worldwide.” What I love about this approach is that it is iterative – we will consider new submissions at any time! – and specifically, intentionally open. The papers so far were published in Volume 7 in 2017.
Acting as a reviewer for a journal related to the scholarship of the professional role
Peer Reviewer for Journals
In the last three years, I have served as peer reviewer for the following journals:
- Canadian Literature (2 articles).
- Comics Grid (2 articles).
- Journal for Multicultural Education (1 article).
- Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (1 article).
Peer Reviewer for Edited Collections
In the last three years, I have served as peer reviewer for the following edited collections:
- Academic Integrity in Canada (all chapters).
- Comics in Archeology (1 chapter).
- Feminist Digital Pedagogy (3 chapters).
Peer Reviewer for Granting Agencies
In the last three years, I have served as peer reviewer for the following granting agencies:
- Mitacs (1 grant proposal).
Citations of published work related to the scholarship of the professional role area.
My work in faculty development and educational technologies has been cited in the following peer-reviewed publications:
- Bali, Maha. “Providing Agile Faculty Development in Times of Uncertainty: Case of the American University in Cairo.” Global Perspectives on Educational Innovations for Emergency Situations. Springer, Cham, 2022. 3-13: ‘As Brenna Clark Gray [sic] writes, as faculty developers, “we must do [the work] in a way that cen- tres care, that acknowledges the stress and strain of our moment, that makes the digital humane: no one specifies those things, but they become central to my insti- tutional purpose. The gulf between what the institution prioritizes and what I know is right expands” (Gray, 2018, p. 51).’
- Henry, J.V., Oliver, M. Who Will Watch the Watchmen? The Ethico-political Arrangements of Algorithmic Proctoring for Academic Integrity. Postdigit Sci Educ 4, 330–353 (2022): ‘Alternatively, rather than viewing honour codes as naïve or ineffective, we could follow Gray’s provocation to trust our students, foregrounding development of integrity as a vital part of what university education is for.’
- Bali, Maha, and Mia Zamora. “The equity-care matrix: Theory and practice.” Italian Journal of Educational Technology (2022): ‘Faculty developers are amongst those who carried much of the affective labor of supporting unprecedented numbers of faculty at their institutions during the pandemic and providing care because institutions were not doing so (Bessette, 2020; Gray, 2018), and received less recognition for it than the faculty members benefiting from these services (Czerniewciz et al., 2020).’
- Cano, Marina. “Every Covid Has a Silver Lining: Women’s Lived Experiences and Potential Feminist Futures beyond the Pandemic.” Women’s Studies 51.5 (2022): 597-618: ‘In her appropriately titled The University Cannot Love You, Gray explores some of the pressures recently reported by female academics, including an inability to fulfil their work requirements and the impossibility of reconciling domestic “free” labor with the demands of modern academia.’
- Pallitt, N., Bali, M., & Gachago, D. (2022). Academic Development as Compassionate Learning Design: Cases from South Africa and Egypt. In T. Jaffer, S. Govender & L. Czerniewicz (Eds.), Learning Design Voices. Advance preprint: ‘We tried to ensure that learning experiences were equitable, believing that “[t]he work of the educational technologist is care work: we help our colleagues manifest care in their classrooms against all odds” (Gray, 2018/2021, p. 54).’
- Tracy, Dale. “Disrupting Institutional Models of Writing.” Discourse and Writing/Rédactologie 32 (2022): 191-211: ‘Care can and should be included structurally in universities and colleges, even as “the institution cannot love you” (p. 52), as Gray (2020) reminds us. Gray suggests “we have to love each other, to extend care and grace where none has existed before. We need to change the norms of our profession, to centre each other” (p. 54).’
In his letter in support of this application [D.8.1], Tim Fawns, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Education at the University of Edinburgh, writes:
“Brenna’s writing on care, vulnerability, precarity and ethics in relation to students, teachers, learning technologists and others involved in online learning (e.g. 2020: The End Is the Beginning, and Yet You Go On; The University Cannot Love You: Gendered Labour, Burnout, and the Covid-19 Pivot to Digital) is some of the best I have ever read. It has helped me to make sense of my own experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic and those of others whose challenges need to be considered in educational design, procurement, policy and day-to-day practice. Brenna does not shy away from expressing emotions in critiquing the many things she sees as problematic, while also promoting and pushing for where hope can be seen. I have found myself showing more vulnerability and care in my own writing, such as in the introduction and conclusion chapters of our recent edited volume Online Postgraduate Education in a Postdigital World: Beyond Technology, published at the end of 2021 with Springer. I have recently cited Brenna’s work as part of an invited paper to a special issue of Educational Technology Research and Development on postdigital teaching capabilities with Lina Markauskaite and Lucila Carvalho, due to her rare insights into how the work (and knowledge and ethics) of digital education is distributed across a range of stakeholders.”
Textbook reviews.
Textbook Reviews
- Reviewed Composition and Literature: A Handbook and Anthology for the BCcampus Open Textbooks project.
Other Book Reviews
- The Canadian Alternative: Cartoonists, Comics, and Graphic Novels and Sketches from an Unquiet Country: Canadian Graphic Satire, 1840-1940 for The American Review of Canadian Studies 49.4.
- Even That Wildest Hope and Bawaajigan: Stories of Power for EVENT 49.1.
- An Urgency of Teachers: The Critical Work of Digital Pedagogy for Journal of Interactive Media in Education 2020(1).
- 25 Years of EdTech for Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology 47.1.
- Typical Girls: The Rhetoric of Womanhood in Comic Strips for Canadian Literature 249.